"Readers from SlickDeals.com, AFullCup.com, The C.W. Night Owls, TelevisionWithoutPity.com, New Jersey Couponers and of course, this blog, contributed to this story. I sincerely appreciate everyone's input, observations, and screen captures. This is not a story written by one person -- it was written by many (especially considering that I don't have cable.) Special thanks to Alanisrox69, Timmsa, Debate, Holamelitta, with another round of thanks to the passionate crew at The C.W. Night Owls, and anyone else I am forgetting."-Jill Cataldo credits many for coupon caperAwesome job of blog readers and commenters ferreting-out the facts on "Extreme Coupon Fraud". Jill Cataldo explains how it all works on her blog, http://www.jillcataldo.com/(HeRE) .I've copied Jill's list-of contributers to the effort that it took, to reveal the truth about TLC'S surprize runaway ratings hit.Jill reminds readers several times that such use of coupons is stealing, but I must say that it is an interesting trick. It took me until about the middle of the blog-post to fully understand how the scam works, and to see exactly how the TLC couponers were CAUGHT RED-HANDED! But they did a thourough job of proving their point. Again-Great Job and congratulations for busting REALITY LIES!
Classic Bravo Shows That Need To Return
Bravo was once not saturated by all things Real Housewives. On any given
day there was a wide variety of programming that didn’t stem from acting a
fool ...
2 years ago