The Real Housewives of New York are on a 3-part road-trip to Morocco.
My favorite Housewives blog,, has been doing round-up posts called, Stoopid Housewives Stuff, (here). And in the June 2nd, edition, there is a link to an NPR radio interview with Stacie Turner of DC Housewives, that discusses reality television. In the interview, there is a question about the Housewives, and why they relate to our current times.
(Galina Espinoza-Latina Magazine): "...speaks to what's going-on in culture today....people are facing a lot of difficulties. Life is hard. The economy's in the toilet and people really are turning to pure escapism. This is a familiar pattern throughout cultural history.In the 30's and the Great Depression that's when screwball comedies really rose-up and became the dominant genre of that time. Is reality television our version of the screwball comedy?"
(Michelle Martin-Tell Me More NPR News): "Beautiful clothes, Fabulous cars, great apartments..." -(interview here)